
Mr. Blue Sky? – The Drone Challenge.

On September 3, 2020 an illegal marketing stunt took place in the heart of Tel-Aviv. A drone dropped hundreds of bags of cannabis on a crowd at Rabin square, one of Tel-Aviv’s central and busiest locations. The bags were dropped by the “green drone” Telegram group, which advocates for the legalization of cannabis in Israel,…
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September 8, 2020 0

Add some “magic” to security – misleading, concealment, and deception.

Avoiding the incident is the most effective security. In a previous post we discussed the concept of thwarting an attack by denying the perpetrator entry to our facility by locking them out. This, however, poses an additional question – can we push the threat even further away? Well, we can certainly try. In WWII the…
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September 4, 2020 0

How did security stop being clever and turned smart

When I was a teenager my father asked ne this –What the difference between smart and clever is? Being a teenager, as you probably imagine, I got all my answers wrong. After some attempts he said “It is simple – the smart will not get into a situation from which the clever could get out…
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July 30, 2020 0

Are we looking at the Active-Shooter contingency correctly?

The rising wave of violence and antisemitism combined with COVID-19 has rushed the nation to a gun shopping spree and launched Jewish and other faith-based communities back to “active shooter” training programs. This reaction is not only “instinctive” but embedded in the American way of life and security paradigm. Don’t get me wrong – Gun…
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July 20, 2020 0

Our community and the turmoil around.

These are troubling times. The killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis (5.25.2020) has started a chain of protest and instability. Extremist groups from the right and left are piggybacking on this protest to promote their agenda which in many cases includes antisemitism. These groups are using several techniques to disguise their agenda, to turn innocent…
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June 3, 2020 6

Mechanics of crisis management

At one time or another we all face a crisis. We might encounter it in our personal or our professional lives. If we are in a leadership role it is more likely that the crises we face will be more complex and will affect (depending on our role) more people. We must be ready to…
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April 27, 2020 3

The COVID-19 Challenge

The COVID-19 pandemic has been challenging our lives for the last months. It has, is and will continue to disrupt the fabric of our lives for the foreseeable future. As community leaders and security professionals, we must not only manage our well-being day-to-day, but begin taking measures to secure our community for the challenging days…
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April 16, 2020 0

4 Measures that will make your congregation safer at no expense

Here are some things that we all can do immediately and with little to no investment to enhance our congregations security. First, we have to understand the objective of “Security”. The two objectives we have to set before us are: Keeping the wellbeing of our congregants, meaning protecting, or better said -preserving their lives. Maintaining…
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July 2, 2019 3